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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

24 March 2021

Letter to Queen Elizabeth I 24 March 2021


24 March 2021


Dear Queen Elizabeth I,


Today is anniversary of your death. I have a few questions for you your Majesty.


First, I would like to know did you really hate your father for what he did to your mother Anne Boleyn? Also, which of his wives after his did you like?


Next, I would like to ask why would Mary be so cruel to you and place you in the tower knowing what you mother went through in the tower? I get it she never liked your mother because your father divorced her mother and took the title of Queen from her. But that is still no excuse for Mary, putting her own blood sister in the tower.


Next, I would like to ask did you really love Robert Dudley, or did you love him as friend? Because people believe that you loved him more then a friend. Also, about Amy Robsart, was she sick or did Robert have her killed?


Now on to Mary Stuart also known as Mary Queen of Scots. What was her deal? Yes, she was a descendant of King Henry VII, your grandfather. But you had a stronger claim to the throne of England as the daughter of King Henry VIII. Your Mother was a crowned Queen of England as well. To this day I still call your mother Queen Anne Boleyn, instead of just her name. When it came to having to execute Mary or not, I think you did the right thing. If had not executed her then she might have never given up her claim to the throne of England and had, you killed. Doing that you were not your father but the exact opposite, you did not execute a slew of husbands as your father had done to wives.



Let us talk about the Spanish Armada, how did it feel defeating them in battle and proving to all the other nations that you were the true Queen of England?


I know that you will never be able to answer these Questions, but I was just something that I need to ask you as fan of yours and your mother.




Your greatest supporter

09 March 2021

Letter to King Henry VIII 28 October 2020

    28 October 2020

Dear King Henry VIII,

A few days ago, the truth was uncovered about what you did to Anne Boleyn. All she ever did was love you, and you go and make orders to get rid of your wife and Queen. This one all because you didn't get the son you wanted. Well good Sir, I have some information for you. And did give you the air, you so hoped for. Elizabeth did more for England that either of your other children. it wasn't a son who brought England to the Golden age, but a daughter; the daughter of the wrongfully executed Queen Anne Boleyn. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you did to your daughter's mother.


Anne tried to give you a son but because of your fall in January 1536, she thought she had lost you for good. Because of the awful thought that she had lost her beloved husband Ann King, that caused her to lose the baby. Which was yours she never laid with another man she only laid with her husband which was you.


I hope God had mercy for you and how you murdered innocent human being in a woman who loved you dearly.

you're very disappointed fan

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...