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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

09 April 2021

Letter to Queen Elizabeth I 2 November 2020


 2 November 2020

Dear Queen Elizabeth I,

It has taken 485 years since your mother was wrongfully executed. It has been discovered that your father made all the charges up that caused her to lose her life and head. Your mother was wrongfully taken from you, by your father. The same man who declared you and your sister Mary bastards. The same man who paid more attention to your brother, all because he was a boy.


I have already written to your father about this along with your mother. I have always believed that your mother was innocent in all this that father wrongfully executed her all because she gave birth to you, and not the son her so hoped for.


I am proud to say that you, your majesty has proven that women can rule a country all on their own. You rule over England without a man and brought England to a victory against the Spanish Armada. You truly are Gloriana and The Greatest Queen, who was not a consort. That honor falls to your mother. I just wish your father and mother could see what you did for England.


I wish your mother got to see you bring England into the Golden Age. That you became a great Queen who loved her people and brought everyone into the next century.


I understand why you did not have any children. Two of your stepmothers died because they had children, your own mother died because all she could give birth to was you.


Yours and Your mothers Greatest supporter

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...