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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

09 February 2022

Letter to King Henry VII 30 August 2021


30 August 2021

Dear King Henry VII,


Let’s talk about a few things that concern your son King Henry VIII, and his six wives.


Let’s start with his first wife Catherine of Aragon. I believe that she lied to you about never laying with Prince Arthur. I believe that she manipulated you so that she could become Queen of England and marry your son Henry, after the death of Prince Arthur. She couldn’t give Henry a living son because she had laid with her first husband.


Now let’s move on to wife number two Queen Anne Boleyn, the first of two Queens to be beheaded. I believe that the only reason why Anne was beheaded was because she gave Henry a daughter instead of a son, but your granddaughter Elizabeth, who was named after your beloved Elizabeth of York. Ruled over England and brought England into the golden age when no other child of Henry’s did that. She ruled for forty-forty years, when people think of Tudor they think of Elizabeth. But I believe that Elizabeth is the reason why Anne lost her head, not the trumped-up charges that Henry had brought up against her. She was innocent and everyone in my time knows it.


Now let’s talk about Henry’s third wife, Jane Seymour. Jane did what the past two wives didn’t do and that is give Henry and living son, but at a cost of her life and she also gave Henry an ill son that child sick more than Mary and Elizabeth was at the same age. I believe that the reason why Edward was so sick was because Jane was a sick child as well. Edward didn’t get to rule England on his own because he died before he could. She is the other reason why I believe that Queen Anne was beheaded.



Now let’s talk wife four Anne of Cleves. She was brought from her country and hardly knowing English and being insulted by her betrothed. She gave up everything to be the wife of Henry VIII and all she got was an annulment from Henry. I have a feeling that she knew that Henry didn’t love her.



Now let’s talk about the fifth wife Katherine Howard. I believe that she got what was coming to her. She was messing with other men when she was married to Henry. She shouldn’t have been messing with men even when she wasn’t with Henry. So, she got what was coming to her.



I don’t really have anything to say about Catherine Parr, she looked after the children and when Henry died, she took Elizabeth in to live with her. I don’t prove of her final husband Thomas Seymour who was the uncle to the new King Edward, he tried to kill the king while he slept, that just isn’t right that was his nephew. If he thought, he was going to get to be king then he was sadly mistaken.


What do you think of your son, and all his wives?


I think that is the only reason he was remember was for his six wives and his break from the Roman Catholic Church. There would be no Church of England if it wasn’t for Henry.


Let’s talk about King Richard III. Do you think Richard had something to do with the deaths of Edward V and his brother Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York? I believe that he did kill them while they slept in the tower and had them secretly buried in the tower, so that he could take the throne for himself.


Queen Anne Boleyn’s greatest supporter

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...