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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

21 July 2022

If you love Anne Boleyn then here is a playlist for you on Spotify



09 July 2022

Letter to King Henry VIII 18 February 2022


18 February 2022

Dear King Henry VIII,


Let’s talk about somethings.


How could you let Mary become queen she was a terrible queen? She killed more than three hundred innocent people. At least you didn’t burn people based off their beliefs. She even put Elizabeth in the tower just because of her religion and the belief that she had something to do with a plot against Mary.


Just like her mother Mary should have never been queen. Catherine was married to another man your own brother and you let her become queen when she should have been sent back to Spain where she belonged.


You could have married anyone and maybe you would have had a son and not six wives and one son who died young. Instead in it was left to Elizabeth to bring England into the golden era, like you always wanted for England. But because you beheaded her mother and her favorite stepmother died of child bed fever, she didn’t have any children.


But back to Mary she married her cousin, a man who didn’t love her and wanted England for his own and couldn’t get it. You know he tried to marry Elizabeth, but she turned him down because once again she wasn’t going to marry anyone, but that didn’t stop Philip II of Spain he decided to try and take it by force with the Spanish Armada which he failed at as well. You she Henry Elizabeth fought to keep England away from Spain, but Mary married Spain. Terrible queen, killing innocent people and marrying into a country that hated England all because you broke from Rome.


That is another thing you started the church of England because you wanted to marry Anne Boleyn and you made England the Protestant. Mary made England go back to Rome and back to being catholic. Mary should have never been queen of England. Let’s put it this way which title do you like better Bloody Mary I of England or good Queen Bess / Gloriana. Yes, Henry Elizabeth had two titles that showed how good of a queen she really was. Where Mary will forever be called Bloody Mary because of the protestants she burned at the stake.



Queen Elizabeth I’s greatest supporter

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...