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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

09 February 2023

Letter to Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots 24 August 2022


24 August 2022

Dear Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scots,


I have never written to you; I just want to know what you think of your brother King Henry VIII and his six wives.


I have no idea why your brother was so obsessed with having a son. When a woman could rule just a good as a son could.


Elizabeth did just fine defending England from the Spanish Armada in 1588. Why couldn’t a woman rule over England?


Here is something I just don’t understand Henry had son with Jane Seymour, but Jane died of Child- Bed- Fever. Why did he need three more wives? The only thing I can think of is companionship.


Now on to the six wives.


Let’s start with wife number one Catherine of Aragon, she was not married to one brother but both of your brothers Arthur and Henry. That is the problem I have; she should have not been allowed to marry Henry after Arthur died in April of 1502. After the period of seeing if she was with child. She should have been sent back to Spain, instead of getting to marry Henry. She couldn’t even give the king a son or a child that as good at ruling England without killing over 300 people. Mary I killed that many people because her father had his marriage annulled from her mother after being married for 24 years. Mary I was a true evil Queen. You see Henry didn’t want to be married to Catherine anymore, he had fallen in love with another and hoped that this other woman would give him the son that he so desperately wanted. Mary I was called Bloody Mary.


Wife number two was Anne Boleyn, the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. With this wife I believe she was done wrong. Anne Boleyn was beheaded on 19 May 1536 for treason and adultery. I believe that Anne was innocent of all charges. That Henry planned all the executions of Anne and five men, just to get rid of the Boleyn’s from court. The reason he wanted to be rid of the Boleyn’s was because Anne had a daughter named Elizabeth after your mother. Henry didn’t want a daughter he wanted a son. Elizabeth was a great queen, she defeated the Spanish Armada, she loved her people she didn’t care if you were a protestant or a catholic. As long as you respected and love their Queen. Elizabeth I ruled England from 17 November 1588 until 24 March 1603; Elizabeth I brought England into the golden era. Elizabeth I was called Gloriana, the virgin Queen, Good Queen Bess.


Wife number three was Jane Seymour, Jane wasn’t queen for very long. Shortly after Anne Boleyn was beheaded, she married Henry, Anne wasn’t even cold in the ground. They were married on 30 May 1536 and Jane died on 24 October 1537, after the birth of their son Edward. Who would become King Edward VI, Edward didn’t get to rule on his own he died on 6 July 1553 at the age of 15. Jane gave the king a sickly child that died before he could do anything for the kingdom. Edward was known as the boy king.


Before I move on to wives four through six, I still don’t understand why Henry needed three more wives. The only thing I can think of is companionship.


Moving on to wife number four Anna Von Kleve also known as Anne of Cleves. Your brother verbal abused Anna, when they first met, and he had left the room he called her a horse or to be more correct about it “She looks like a horse.” After they were married, he said “she is nothing fair and have very evil smell about her.” He wouldn’t even lay with her as a proper wife because and I quote “Plainly mistrusted her to be no maid by reason of the looseness of her belly and breasts and other tokens.” He concluded “I have left her as good a maid as I as found her.” Anna was the longest living Queen out of the six Queens. In the end Henry had the marriage annulled 6 months after they had been married. Anna lived until 16 July 1557; she was the last of Henry’s wives to die.


Wife number Five Katherine Howard, this Queen makes me sick just writing about her. Let’s just start with the fact that Katherine married the king just days after he annulled his marriage to Anna Von Kleve. Not even a year into the marriage she started having an affair with a courtier named Thomas Culpeper, which happen to be her cousin. But before that I believe she laid with two other men Henry Mannox and Francis Dereham. I don’t believe she was a maid at all when she married the king. I believe she had it coming, laying with men that was not her husband is a big no-no when you are married to the king of England. She was even stupid enough to write a letter to Thomas Culpeper. Her cousin was Anne Boleyn, Henry’s second wife and she got falsely accused of laying with five men; one who happen to be her own brother. Katherine should have been taught not to do things like that. But instead, she enlisted the help to sneak Thomas Culpeper into her chambers. That lady- in – waiting was Jane Boleyn Viscountess Rochford or Lady Rochford. Jane went insane when she was sent to the Tower, but both Jane and Katherine faced their fate on 13 February 1542 both Jane Boleyn and Katherine Howard were beheaded. Like I said Katherine Howard had it coming. You don’t mess with King Henry VIII and think to get away with it and not be executed.


Wife number six, the final wife the who survived just barely, Catherine Parr. Now Catherine and Henry had something in common they both had a of marriages. But Catherine got through them without beheading anyone. After her last marriage ended since he died. She had planned to marry Thomas Seymour, but Henry came out of the woodwork and wanted to marry Catherine. Of course, she had no choice but to marry the king or piss him off and lose her life. But shortly after Henry’s death she married Thomas Seymour. But a few things you should know about Catherine Parr, she was a writer, she wrote Psalms and Meditations. She fought for female education. She even got a woman to paint her picture. She was also a protestant. But I realized that if it wasn’t for Henry, we wouldn’t know who any of these women are. There would be no Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna Von Kleve, Katherine Howard, or Catherine Parr. They would have all disappeared into history. We could be reading and writing and researching other people, if Henry hadn’t chosen these women to be his wives. For all we know Henry could have had one wife if he hadn’t chosen to marry Catherine of Aragon in 1509.


Just think we wouldn’t have a Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary), Queen Elizabeth I (Gloriana, The virgin Queen, Good Queen Bess), Edward VI (The boy King).


There wouldn’t have been a reformation of England, for all we know Henry would have stayed loyal to the pope instead of making his own church. Maybe then whoever followed Henry, wouldn’t have burned over 300 protestants. For all we know Henry could have been the one to burn all those people.


That is all for now.



Queen Anne Boleyn’s Greatest Supporter

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...