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Since I was a little I have been Fascinated with the Tudors. Even when I was little I believed that Queen Anne Boleyn was innocent of all charges and that she was wrongfully executed by Henry VIII. I also hand write everyone of my letters one by one.

13 February 2021

Letter to Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford 13 February 2021


13 February 2021

Dear Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford,

Today is the Anniversary of your execution and you have been dead for 478 years. I have some questions for you. These questions have to do with Katherine Howard and a few questions about Lord Rochford.


Frist let us get past the Lord Rochford questions, were you the reason why poor George Boleyn was arrested and executed for adultery and treason back in 1536 along with his sister; because if you were that is simply wrong to do that to your husband and sister-in-law. I hope God had mercy on your soul when you died in 1542. I believe George never laid with Anne and you and the rest of the ladies- in – waiting made it up. I believe that you are the reason why George was implicated in the first place. George died for no reason, I believe that you just wanted out of that marriage and never liked being married to George. Because your marriage was an arranged marriage. Did you even care about George at all? Or was he just a pawn for you to use? Because a royal court is a game of chess. You must make the right moves to win the game, but the wrong move and you lose the game.


Now on to Katherine Howard, what were you thinking helping her have an affair with Thomas Culpeper in the first place. Did you forget what happen to Anne and George plus the four other men that were wrongfully executed by the King. I think you really did lose your mind and forgot all the bad things that happen to your husband and sister-in-law the Queen. You should have realized that if you and Katherine were caught, which you were you would be executed. Because that is a form of treason against the King. Katherine should have never even looked at Culpepper in the first place. She should have focused on the King. But she did not, and you helped her with her plan to have an affair with Culpepper. In my eyes you got what was coming to you and Katherine for what you did. I hope God had mercy on your soul for what you did to Anne and George; plus, for what you did behind the King’s back with Katherine. I believe that you, Katherine, Thomas Culpepper and Francis Dereham got what was coming to you. But the Dowager Duchess of Norfolk did not get what was coming to her she should have been executed along with everybody else that was involved, because Katherine was in her care when Katherine had the affair with Francis Dereham to begin with. They should have held her responsible for that affair and Katherine not being a maiden when she came to the King’s bed. You should always remain a maiden until you are married to your husband.



Queen Anne Boleyn’s greatest supporter

Letter to King Henry VIII 13 February 2021


13 February 2021


Dear King Henry VIII,

Today is the Anniversary of the execution of Katherine Howard, your fifth wife. To be completely honest I never liked Katherine Howard out of all your wives I prefer Anne Boleyn who you wrongful executed. But when it comes to Katherine Howard you did the right thing by have her and Jane Boleyn executed. I have always believed that Jane was the reason why you had George Boleyn executed, considering George was innocent along with your wife. But enough about The Boleyn’s. Katherine only had one thing on her mind, and she did not love you. You always wanted a love like your mother and father had. But I can tell you here and now I do not think the following Queens/Wives loved you they just wanted stats. Catherine of Aragon- never loved you, just wanted to be Queen; Jane Seymour- never loved you, was manipulated by her family or be abandoned by her family; Katherine Howard- Was place before you to get your mind off your marriage to Anne of Cleves, I do not think you were meant to marry her. Catherine Parr- Catherine only married you so that she could survive in the world, so once again she did not love you either she was in love with someone else who was among your court. Since you never loved Anne of Cleves, I did not include her. Anne Boleyn did in fact love you and you threw her away like a used rag. Katherine Howard only what you could give her the gifts and the sex. But once the sex stop, due to your age and health Katherine sought out someone else to give her what she wanted. In my opinion she got what was coming to her. I hope God had mercy on her soul for the impure things she did.



        Queen Anne Boleyn’s greatest supporter  

09 February 2021

Letter to Queen Anne Boleyn 28 October 2020


28 October 2020

Dear Queen Anne Boleyn,

It has taken 484 years, but the truth has finally come out. Henry betrayed you and lied about everything that was brought up against you. Two researchers found a book or some papers that has all the orders on getting rid of you and everyone who was one of your supporters. He even wrote that in access to blunt and did not want to have you burned at the stake, he said that he did not want to cause you any pain. So, he decided to order a French swordsman from France to do it. He already decided that you were guilty, even before you had your trial. All because you gave birth to Elizabeth and not the son he so hoped for; for so long. I was right about you being and it said all along. You were wrongfully accused just because you gave birth to a daughter. You never laid with any man but your husband. In my eyes you are and have always been the Queen of England. Because Catherine of Aragon and Jane Seymour's children did not bring England into the Golden age and did not win a war against the Spanish Armada. In fact, Mary lost Calais I will forever be known as bloody Mary of England and aligned England with Spain by marrying her own cousin King Phillip the second of Spain, which was her mother's nephew. I do not see why people still believe that you are nothing more than a whore. I am sure Henry loved you until his fall. I believe wholeheartedly that you were and still are the greatest Queen out of the six wives.


Until next time,


your greatest supporter

Letter to Mary Boleyn 31 December 2022

  31 December 2022   Dear Mary Boleyn,   I haven’t written in a while. But I have a few questions for you.   Do you think the ...